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I worked in the corporate offices of Macy's in the visual merchandising department. The majority of my work at Macy's was illustrating and rendering store displays for the varying departments: Ready-to-Wear, Cosmetics dept, Men's, Women's, Children's, etc. Also a big responsibility of the VM dept was store signage and designing and producing varying sizes for varying fixtures for respective stores while at the same time keeping consistent Macy's branding and making sure all stores adhere to that brand. At the time there were over 800 Macy's nationwide. Another big, year-long, undertaking was the store wayfinders and floorplans for all the Macy's nationwide. This involved illustrating CAD floor plans and communicating with the respective stores to insure proper layout and direction. I'm including a few examples of this work for perspective and understanding of the type of work I was involved in during my time at Macy's.
Floor Plans + Wayfinders
I was responsible for creating and designing these store maps for 100s of Macy's stores nationwide. Work included drawing up the respective floor plan and making sure all was correct in their department and facility placements. The first on (left) was the style for Macy's flagship store on 34th street, Herald Square, NYC. The others, white background, were the stylings for all the other stores. Each store had its own sign fixtures so they had to be customized for each store's sign-holder dimensions. The top three were for Macy's Herald Square store, the flagship store, the ones on the bottom are how all other stores laid out. I'm showing these to give the idea, showing more would seem redundant.
Macy's Floor Plan-Click to Download
Macy's Floorplan-Click to Download
Macy's Floorplan-Click to Download
Macy's Floor Plan-Click to Download
Macy's Floorplan-Click to Download
Macy's Floorplan-Click to Download
Store Signage
There were a lot of projects like these that I worked on and produced for Macy's stores. Being retail it was seasonal so these kinds of store campaigns happened regularly as there was always a big sale happening and announcing it is necessary in the retail environment. Work was layout, design and illustration. Work included design, illustration, photo compositing, edits, layout, sizing for varying stores and fixtures.
Macy's Sign-Click to Download
Macy's Sign-Click to Download
Macy's Sign-Click to Download
Macy's Sign-Click to Download
Macy's Sign-Click to Download
Macy's Sign-Click to Download
Illustrations + Renderings
Illustration and renderings were a regular part of my duties in my work for Macy's. Products, clothing, mannequins, pattern-making, and fixtures would be rendered and used to show how displays for respective items would look and how they should be shown and merchandised throughout all Macy's stores.
Macy's Illustration-Click to Download
Macy's Illustration-Click to Download
Macy's Illustration-Click to Download
Macy's Illustration-Click to Download
Macy's Illustration-Click to Download
Macys Illustration-Click to Download