Necessary Objects was a ready-to-wear fashion design house run by Ady Gluck-Frankel. My work for Necessary Objects was in digital illustration, web work for their site, Flash animations, app builds and design work. Necessary Objects's website was a hybrid site of HTML with many Flash animations and components in it as well, I did work on both HTML and Flash/Actionscript. I'm just going to show screenshots of the HTML site and the work I did there as it's too big to show here in HTML form. The site was appox 400 pages. And because much of the work I did was Flash based I will only show images of that work and illustrations therein as I do not want to put Flash/SWF files on this website. I did transfer the splash page intro into a movie file to show the animation, the others are too involved and have many stages and were interactive, making it a pretty fruitless effort to convert to one fluid movie.
I've converted this splash web intro from Necessary Objects's website to a movie file to play on this site without the use of a Flash player. This was originally a Flash animated intro meant to convey the fun and whimsy of Necessary Objects motif and direction as users came onto the site. When it ended it would take the user to Necessary Objects HTML homepage. As you can see from the quick load bar at the beginning this was programmed to load all information before it started playing. Illustration, animation, programming and implementation with the HTML pages was what I worked on for this.
I've converted this splash web intro from Necessary Objects's website to a movie file to play on this site without the use of a Flash player. This was originally a Flash animated intro meant to convey the fun and whimsy of Necessary Objects motif and direction as users came onto the site. When it ended it would take the user to Necessary Objects HTML homepage. As you can see from the quick load bar at the beginning this was programmed to load all information before it started playing. Illustration, animation, programming and implementation with the HTML pages was what I worked on for this.
Web Interactive
Necessary Objects seasonal fashion shows would be accompanied by a slide show on their website which I would create. These were Flash based slideshows. Also below is work and illustrations of some apps created which would allow users to click on an item and see it on the illustrated model; the map illustration would show users in varying states to find their nearest realtor. These were Flash based applications, just showing screenshots for visual purposes. Work completed on these were illustrations and programming functionality for it to work properly and allow users to choose dress combos of Necessary Objects' latest line, view fashion shows, and find retailers.
Necessary Objects seasonal fashion shows would be accompanied by a slide show on their website which I would create. These were Flash based slideshows. Also below is work and illustrations of some apps created which would allow users to click on an item and see it on the illustrated model; the map illustration would show users in varying states to find their nearest realtor. These were Flash based applications, just showing screenshots for visual purposes. Work completed on these were illustrations and programming functionality for it to work properly and allow users to choose dress combos of Necessary Objects' latest line, view fashion shows, and find retailers.
These are screenshots of Necessary Objects's website and its varying pages; it no longer exists. All work on this part of their website was HTML based. One section of it was for its editorial section which would be updated regularly as it being featured in various fashion magazine would come up. Work included HTML coding and also the illustrations that represent these pages.
These are screenshots of Necessary Objects's website and its varying pages; it no longer exists. All work on this part of their website was HTML based. One section of it was for its editorial section which would be updated regularly as it being featured in various fashion magazine would come up. Work included HTML coding and also the illustrations that represent these pages.